Monday, 1 September 2014

Love is... Unconditional.

This is a portrait I did of Brigitte, who relishes motherhood. The look of contentment is due to having her girls close by, these are her favourite colours, that of earth and love... Of course my EROS and ROSE symbolism encompasses nurturing, as the root is drawing up the nourishment to feed the plant. This process is vital to growth, evolution and the survival of our gene pool. On the path to enlightenment, for some people, selfless sacrifice as practiced in the role of motherhood is the only way to fully comprehend unconditional love and let this be so.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

The Naked Book.

Life Drawing Wednesdays...
Enjoying the two tone effect of the text and pages.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Studio is going through a transformation...

This is my studio today, whilst the staged renovations are happening...
 I just keep painting in my corner and use my art for the interior design. 
Finished the one on the left today and it's SOLD!  
The other 3 on right are part of my portraits with 'EROS and ROSE' theme.

Been working on these too, more art pieces with my ariel shots for a local gallery.