Monday, 26 November 2012

Burning Passion

Igniting the philosophy behind 'EROS and ROSE'. The point of light that burns within and either spends or guides us depending on our interior motives and/or which stage of evolution we may be experiencing right now.

Friday, 16 November 2012

EROS and ROSE Shop in Daylesford.

With help, we transformed this space in no time. Simon made the fittings, Gary and I did the painting, I stocked the shop and even Violet is feeding the 'Love Vibe'.
The bottom picture is how it is today, with my up cycled, hand painted fairy light sign, a card rack from the op shop and a great bucket stand for the flowers that I got at the second hand market. My first job was to fill the card rack and some second hand frames with more original work. Now, the website!

Shape of things...

The first one is the signature piece... The Candle mold. Designed to make pure bees wax candles from.

The middle one is cheeky... Designed to fit well into ones hand whilst massaging a loved one with pure natural  ingredients.

Far right is the soap mold... I want to make pure natural soap and I'm leaning towards goats milk as a base.

Birth of 'EROS and ROSE'.

I have done so much since that last blog, gone through a series of brand identities and settled on, with much deliberation, the name of 'EROS and ROSE'. The name was delivered by a psychic friend and fellow artist. The style is inspired by the Romantics and Arts and Crafts movement. The flourishes are symbolic of genitalia that the two opposing opposites are represented with and both names sit on top of each other so as to highlight their complete equality.