Monday, 28 November 2011

End of an Era...

Hi there dear Blogspot, how I have neglected you so... I have come so far and have even been secretive and keeping undercover but now I have decided to expose the self that has emerged through this body of work that is the End of an Era, for my BA Fine Arts (Ceramic Major) is over and here is what I put on show at the end of year exhibition.

Sex and Human Psycology!
Idealism of Beauty: I have chosen to represent Beauty in its subliminal form.
Culture verses Nature: This relates by means of biology and the patterns of attraction that it influences.
Death and Reproduction: The Later as a means of overcoming the former.
Spiritual: The dynamics represented in my work, between the two polarities of Male and female are indicitive of the dynamics of life itself.
Gender Issues:  Male and Female, acknowledged as one. A feminine rise to equality.
Symbolism: A language that operates with little exclusion.
Globalism: Love makes the world go around.